How to treat clogged duct?

on February 08, 2022 .

Things to do to relieve a duct:

Take a hot shower: Stand under a warm/hot shower stream, letting the water hit the spot. This is the perfect time to use your hands and massage your breasts.


Nurse on demand: If you are breastfeeding, keep breastfeeding. The goal is to keep nursing so the plug comes out. If you are a pumping mama, don’t skip out on any pumping session and maybe squeeze an extra session in.


Massage your breasts: This is extremely important, because it helps releasing the plug. Better if done in the hot shower. Try pumping or breastfeeding right after the massage.


Epsom Salt: Fill your haakaa pump with warm water and epsom salt and suction it to your breast to draw out clog. If you don’t have a haakaa pump, fill bowl with warm water and submerge breast in water while massaging the plugged area toward the nipple. Rinse with fresh water before nursing, as baby may object to the taste.


Warm Diaper: Try using a disposable diaper: fill the diaper with hot water (try the temperature on your wrist first to avoid burns), squeeze the diaper out a bit, then put the inside of the diaper toward the breast. This will stay warm much longer than a wet cloth.⠀⠀⠀


Use Vibration: Any vibration you have, something like an electric toothbrush works, or a lactation massager. (Make sure that your breasts are empty before using vibration).

Source: KellyMom



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