When should I use the Ladybug?

on November 29, 2021 .

“Soft, stretchy, leaky, weepy, loving bliss”

When should I use the Ladybug?
This is one of our most frequently asked questions about our Ladybug! And the answer is: any time you would otherwise need to use a breast pad! Just pop the Ladybug in your bra whenever you think you might leak - you can use it while feeding baby on the other side, or use two at a time to save any leakage while you're on-the-go! Because it's so discreet and comfy, you'll forget you're even wearing it! ! 

⁠What are you using to help with those leaking breasts?⁠

@wyld.magick ,@sherieheather@lucianaterroni : Thank you for sharing your experience with our mamas!


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